Thursday, November 7, 2013

Trick or Treat

This year Halloween was so much fun. For the first time we decided to do a theme. We thought about it and thought about it, and then we asked the four year old what he wanted to be... The verdict? Batman villains. So I sat down and started to think. Thanks to the Lego Batman game that Ben loves to play I was fairly familiar with most of the villains and there were plenty to choose from: Clayface, Bane, Twoface, Joker, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and the list goes on and on. Ben knew pretty much immediately that he would be the Joker and I went into planning mode for his costume, and started hitting thrift stores for stuff for his costume.
I have to admit that I love homemade Halloween costumes, and I much prefer to make them myself. First, I think they always turn out so cute. Second, they end up costing so much less than store bought costumes (and a lot of times you end up with things that can be worn after the fact). And lastly, I am always really proud of the way they turn out, and even though they don't take a ton of time to make I love all the compliments we get on how great they look and how original they are (I know! Totally selfish, right?).
Sabrina's costume didn't come to me as easily as Ben's. At first I really wanted to do a Harley Quinn, but Ben wanted her to be Poison Ivy. I agreed, and the costume turned out really easy to make. One cute and easy tutu and a green shirt with ivy hot glued onto it, and we had ourselves one cute villain.
Because I lost a bet, I had to go as Catwoman. Brook went as Twoface (along with his twin brother), and because of my total lack of sewing skills, they made the costume by themselves. That turned out to be my favorite costume of the day!
As per the norm we went trick or treating at Brook's office. At first Sabrina didn't get it and just wanted to eat the candy as she got it, but thanks to a great example from her brother she finally caught on and filled her candy bucket all the way. An hour and a half later we were out of there and on our way to eat dinner .
My parent's, my sister, and her friend then joined us for trick or treating around the neighborhood. Six adults to take the kids around the neighborhood! It was great.
After that we all came home and the kids crashed, despite their sugar highs! It was a great Halloween and I can't wait to do it again next year!

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