Thursday, November 1, 2012


My promise to be a better blogger was foiled. But, I promise it was not my fault! The last two weeks have been so insanely busy. Not only have we still been busy getting the new house put together, we have also had our fair share of crisis. First I ended up in the hospital for an allergic reaction. Then, on the day of the first snow, the kids and I were rear ended on the freeway. I knew eventually I would become victim to the bad drivers that seem to only show themselves when the weather is bad, but I was hoping that my turn would not come for a few more years. Thankfully everyone is fine, and I am pretty sure my car will make it too.

In other news, yesterday was Halloween and the kids got to go trick-or-treating at Dad's off ice (one of my favorite Halloween traditions). Not only do the kids get more candy than they know what to do with, but they get to collect it in a climate controlled, well lit environment and I don't have to worry about losing them in a crowd of kids all dressed the same. All in all I would be very sad if Brook ever went and worked somewhere that trick-or-treating was not a Halloween staple.

Benjamin decided that he wanted to be Batman, and after searching high and low for a a Batman costume for a three year old (apparently all three year old's want to be Spiderman or Optimus Prime), we finally settled on a pair of black pants (which Ben described as the softest pants on the planet, and fought me tooth and nail when I had to take them off), a shirt with a Batman logo, and a cape and mask that he already had. All in all it was a cute costume, especially when paired with him saying "I'm Batman" in his best Christian Bale voice.

Bean didn't really get a say in her costume, but didn't protest too much when I put her in the cutest elephant costume I have ever seen (thank you Costco)! She didn't collect candy, but seemed to really like Brook carrying her around his office (probably because she got to smile and flirt with everyone who passed). She wasn't even scared of all of the costumes (including her dad, who had decided to shave and had a "mask" of sorts). Her first Halloween was good to her.

After we got home from office trick-or-treating we toyed with the idea of going around the neighborhood, but after we got our first trick or treater we decided against it. Ben had more fun opening the door and seeing other kids in their costumes and handing out candy than he did getting candy for himself. He became the official "candy handeroutter" and yelled "Happy Halloween" as loud as he could to each kid who knocked on our door. He finally passed out from excitement and candy overload at about 9:30, and after the third high schooler in jeans and a t-shirt that knocked on our door asking for candy, Brook and I turned in for the night.  It was a great day, and a great reminder of how much I love Halloween. Maybe next year I will even get around to decorating.

Oh and just on a side note, this is from an  impromptu photo shoot in the living room yesterday and I just had to share!