Wednesday, September 11, 2013


(From sometime in mid-June)

Something happened last week that I am not sure I was really prepared for- Sabrina started walking and life in this house will never be the same. At first, I was really excited for her to start walking. Those first few steps were so exciting, and the look she had on her face every time she fell on her butt was absolutely priceless. I have to admit I encouraged all this walking and even rewarded her with fruit snacks when she would take more than two steps in a row. Now it has been nearly a week since I have seen her crawl and I am wondering why the heck I thought it was a good idea for her to start walking. Now it is getting hard to keep up with her and she is finding more things to get into. Plus, when we leave the house to go to the store she thinks it is her right to get out of the cart and walk around. Now I also have to make sure that I put shoes on her feet, but she hates wearing the shoes and then end up getting taken off and ultimately thrown at me. She is still trying to master the art of walking in shoes, and can not seem to quite catch the hang of it. The end result? A frustrated little girl because I insist she wear shoes in order to walk when we are out of the house, and a frustrated mom because the little girl just will not wear her shoes (plus getting hit in the face with a shoe is not all that fun after the millionth time or so). Sabrina will no longer sit still because she would rather be walking (like at the movie theater where mom only got to see twenty minutes of the movie and then spent the rest of the time wandering up and down the hallway with a very curious baby). I do not remember the transition from baby to toddler being this difficult with Ben, but maybe I am selectively forgetting how hard this particular milestone has been for me. I am saying goodbye to my baby and hello to a big girl and I am not entirely sure I am ready for that transition, but it is too late now!

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