First thing I did was make an adorable wreath for my door (which is still hanging there to this day). I love the idea of having something special on the front porch, but balloons just are not my thing. I like people to know there is a party without screaming "HEY HERE IS THE PARTY!" The wreath turned out great and I got a lot of compliments on it (and it has also inspired me to make some for other major holidays).
Next, I had to figure out what to serve as far as food. Luckily for me a lot of the Lalaloopsy dolls have food names already; Peanut Big Top, Toffee Cocoa Cuddles, Mango Tiki Wiki... You get the idea. The food was pretty easy I just had to think of all of the yummy food that I could make that matched the names. Then I made adorable little food labels to go with everything and then I was set... Well almost.
My next challenge came in the form of cake pops. I love the look of cake pops and decided that is what I was going to do instead of cake for Bean's party. After reading what I thought was plenty of blogs, I got online and ordered a cake pop pan to make things easier (which I am sure it did). After baking all of the little cake balls it was time to frost them. I thought this step would be easy peasy... I mean I read all the blogs after all, right? WRONG! This was not easy and in fact I never did end up getting them frosted. Instead I took the candy coating and a piping bag and piped stripes onto the cake pops. I thought they looked horrible, but everyone said they were good (Thank you to all my friends for protecting my ego) . So if there is anyone out there who would like to teach me the right way to frost these little buggers I would still love to learn (I still have the pan and all).
After all was said and done though it was a great day. Bean loved having all of the attention on her and loved opening up all of her presents. She got spoiled, just as every princess should on their first birthday. I think the thing she loved most of all was the special attention that her big brother gave her that day. Every time he saw her he would say "Happy Birthday" in his most enthusiastic preschooler voice, and give her a big hug and kiss. This mommy wants to believe that this was his way of showing his sister how much he loves her, but deep down I have a sneaking suspicion it was all so he could get on her good side so she wouldn't put up too much of a fuss when he wanted to "share" all of her new toys. Oh well, it was adorable and I had a blast watching them get along for a day.
I can not believe Bean has been mine for a year. This year has gone by so fast! She is really turning into the cutest little girl, and I have a feeling that the next few years are going to be a major adventure for us, but I can't wait!
So cute!! Sorry we missed it, we had every intention of coming but the day got crazy. You did a great job!